

Civil construction

Roads Highways - National roads - Regional roads - Regional and local roads - Bridges - Overpasses - Viaducts - Underpasses - Railroads - Airport strips - Potable water processing plants - Administration buildings - Residential buildings - Educational facilities - Recreational facilities

Land excavations

Excavations Opening of road tracks - Excavations in underground and opencast mines

Construction of ponds and in-depth water works


Road barriers and protection

Guard Roil New Jersey - Noise barriers - Other protection barriers - Protective walls

Water, gas and oil supply, and drainage systems

Water catchments - Potable water processing plants - Watersupply - Water towers - Pumping stations - Ground and elevated deposits - Pipeline supply and installation - Wastewater discharges - Unused water processing

Electricity substations and distribution

Construction of transformers centrals and cabins - Tension grid pillar installation - Electricity line supply and installation

Plants, phone lines and telecommunication

Phone lines
High frequency telecommunication plants
Optic fiber distribution channels

River protection, hydraulic systems and reclamation

Floating channels and river estuaries - Riverbank structure consolidation - Different types of embankments - Regulation and installation of hydraulic flow of surface waters
